Recent Articles by
Caroline Newman
July 12, 2023
Hachem tells us about her teaching philosophy, how she adapted to Darden’s unique case method, and the “aha!” moment that makes it all worth it.
June 28, 2023
Batten School professor Eileen Chou’s teaching and research makes leadership tangible, and students rave about her practical approach.
November 09, 2022
Artificial intelligence has some well-documented flaws. UVA researchers are working to fix them.
November 07, 2022
The Karsh Institute of Democracy’s One Small Step project highlights the connective power of conversations.
September 12, 2022
As UVA began its third century, its leaders shared a new strategic vision for the next decade and beyond. Three years and one global pandemic later, we check in on how the plan is progressing.
June 29, 2022
A husband and wife with five kids in the house are managing a chaotic family schedule while both pursue degrees through the School of Continuing and Professional Studies. If they can do it, Robert Edmonds says, anyone can.
May 13, 2022
Carla Hallman is an Army Reserve veteran, a community leader, a human resources professional, a mom and, soon, a graduate of UVA’s School of Continuing and Professional Studies.
April 21, 2022
Third-year student Sydney Roberts joined physics professor Craig Dukes on a journey to ancient Maya temples, part of a project to map ancient pyramids in unprecedented detail.
April 19, 2022
The curriculum dovetails with the Amazon Web Services certification process and is taught by professionals who currently work in cloud computing.
April 04, 2022
Coloring a genderless product like a razor pink does not necessarily make it more appealing to women, a UVA marketing professor and colleagues found.